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Tytuł pozycji:

Położenie polityczne społeczności ukraińskiej na ziemiach polskich po II wojnie światowej

Położenie polityczne społeczności ukraińskiej na ziemiach polskich po II wojnie światowej
Political situation of the Ukrainian community in Poland after World War II
Mencel, Jolanta
Ukrainian community
ethnic area
policy of authorities
adaptation, assimilation
social isolation
cultural homogenization
Ukraińska społeczność
obszar etniczny
polityka władz
izolacja społeczna
homogenizacja kulturowa
Data publikacji:
Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Studia Gdańskie. Wizje i rzeczywistość; 2014, 11; 353-365
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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After World War II, within the boundaries of Poland there remained 650–700 thousand of Ukrainians. Relocations on the power of the Agreement on exchange of population of 9 September 1944 involved approximately 480 thousand people of Ukrainian origin. In 1946, on the territory of the south-east Poland, the Ukrainian community was about 200 thousand people, out of whom more than 140 thousand were relocated to the areas of western and northern Poland, as a part of the „Vistula” campaign. Ethnic policy of the Polish authorities caused total disruption in social structures of the Ukrainian minority. Relocations carried out in 1947, as a part of the „Vistula” campaign, resulted in an intended and deliberate dispersion of the Ukrainian population throughout a great territory of western and northern Poland. On the power of edict of the government of 27 August 1949, the Ukrainian population was deprived of ownership of farms, from which they were relocated and by edict of 28 September 1949 the Treasury took over properties of the Greek Catholic Church and Ukrainian institutions and organizations. The policy of au-thorities that was aimed at cultural homogenization of the population living on the territory of Poland, actively prevented the Ukrainian community national-cultural revival.

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