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Tytuł pozycji:

O handlu ludźmi w Polsce, czyli o ewolucji zjawiska i budowie systemu jego eliminowania

O handlu ludźmi w Polsce, czyli o ewolucji zjawiska i budowie systemu jego eliminowania
On human trafficking in Poland, that is on evolution of the phenomenon and construction of the system to eliminate it
Lasocik, Zbigniew
handel ludźmi
polityka kryminalna
zapobieganie przestępczości
human trafficking
organized crime
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2012, XXXIV; 481-529
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The thesis of this work is as follows: human trafficking is particularly detrimental as it harms the foundations of modern civilization. It is a phenomenon which appeared in Poland 20 years ago and is still present. What is more, one can see its significant expansion in all possible dimensions. The character of this crime is changing, less and less frequently this is a criminal activity of organized crime groups (mafia gangs), more and more frequently it is a well-organised activity of criminal groups organized ad hoc. New forms of enslavement and abuse appear while physical abuse, relatively easier to detect, plays less and less important role. The change includes also the scale of the problem, measured by the number of criminal cases or the number of reported victims, and to be clear the numbers do not decrease, they increase. The evolution spoken of here includes also such issues as origin of the victims and their sociodemographic profile (here the direction of development is also clear, the victims come from all countries and continents and they are more and more diverisified). Polish law has been changing for many years but it is hard to admit the law is fully adequate to the needs and the scale of the problem. The practice of action of many public institutions changes. Efforts to eliminate human trafficking have been made for years, without effects though. The system to eliminate human trafficking, which has been built for 15 years in Poland, has stable legal and institutional basis, yet lack of political will and decisive organization actions causes the system to lack effectiveness and flexibility necessary in a confrontation with such a dangerous phenomenon as human trafficking is. A reliable description of human trafficking is hard in any place and at any time. In such countries as Poland, it is particularly hard for several reasons. Most of all because it is a phenomenon well-hidden behind many facades of fully legal activities, it is also a rich in content, diverse, and ever changing phenomenon. It is still valid that what we know of human trafficking is merely a tip of the iceberg. We know little about it also because Poland has been a member of EU which makes it an attractive destination for foreigners who either seek their opportunities here or move to other EU countries using the freedom of movement. One of prominent features of evoulution of human trafficking in Poland is a Shift from the country of origin to transit country and to destination one. Political and economic changes of the early 1990s combined with temporary decrease in police effectiveness resulted in increase in crime. Also the serious one, organized crime. This is when human trafficking ap-peared in Poland. In the beginning, activity of criminal groups concentrated on recruitment of Polish women to sex businesses in Western Europe.

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