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Jak pracować nad romantyzmem. Prywatne marzenia edukacyjne i badawcze z roku 2010

Jak pracować nad romantyzmem. Prywatne marzenia edukacyjne i badawcze z roku 2010
Ziemba, Kwiryna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Świat Tekstów. Rocznik Słupski; 2010, 8; 335-345
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The article formulates the following postulates: 1) The education of a historian of Polish romantic literature should include both comparative contexts of Western and Central European culture as well as the multinational character of the Republic of Poland and Lithuania before the partitions. 2) A virtual library of Romanticism should be created to function as a research and information exchange centre. 3) Priority should be given to such research areas as: a) studies on the role of Romanticism in shaping Polish national identity as well as the identities of nations comprising the commonwealth before the partitions; b) Ro- manticism as both a breakthrough and a link between Old Polish culture (from Renaissance to Enlightenment) and modernity; c) Romantic interpretation of Polish history and visions of its future; d) religious fascinations of Polish Romantics in the contexts of spiritual history after the French Revolution and of renewal attempts in Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches in the first half of the 19th century; e) the changeability and ambiguity of the romantic subject in the context of the poetics of polyvocality and irony characteristic of Romanticism. The connection between anthropology and poetics in Polish Romanticism; f) comparative analysis of the transforming power of Romanticism in different national cultures in Europe, including Polish culture.

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