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Tytuł pozycji:

Cooperation Between Poland and the USA in the Protection of Classified Information

Cooperation Between Poland and the USA in the Protection of Classified Information
Tokarski, Mirosław
international agreement
military sphere
security measures
protection of classified information
porozumienie międzynarodowe
sfera wojskowa
środki bezpieczeństwa
ochrona informacji niejawnych
Data publikacji:
Centrum Rzeczoznawstwa Budowlanego Sp. z o.o.
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Safety & Defense; 2021, 2; 132-143
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The military cooperation between Poland and the USA so far has undoubtedly influenced the shape of the external security. The tangible expression of this cooperation is, among others, the signing of an agreement between Poland and the USA for the purchase of the Patriot system in July 2017. As a result, Poland joined the elite group of countries possessing weapons capable of countering enemy ballistic and maneuvering missiles. It also adjusts the domestic armed forces to the NATO standards and the requirements of the modern battle-field. An additional aspect of the existing cooperation between Poland and the USA is the agreement on the protection of classified information in the military sphere. In this context, the aim of this article is to identify the scope of cooperation between Poland and the USA in the area of security measures, which should guarantee the protection of classified information considering the interests of both countries. During the considerations, two basic research methods were used: analysis and synthesis. The former method was used in relation to the content of the concluded contract and the opinions presented in the literature on the subject. The latter method was used to formulate conclusions resulting from the conducted analysis. The considerations undertaken proved that there is an area of mutual cooperation in the field of protection of classified information between Poland and the USA. They also made it possible to obtain an answer to the question of what security measures determine the effectiveness of the protection of classified information in the military sphere between the contracting states.

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