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Background and cases of nationalization in Poland in the Stalinist Era – an example of Lublin’s tanning industry

Background and cases of nationalization in Poland in the Stalinist Era – an example of Lublin’s tanning industry
Dąbrowski, Karol
przemysł garbarski
Stalinist Era
tanning industry
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
CC BY-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2017, 16, 1; 209-226
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The nationalization processes in People’s Poland had already begun at the time of estab- lishment of the Polish Committee of National Liberation. Enterprises were submitted under temporary state management and were expropriated on the basis of various regulations, including those enacted by Pilsudski’s sanation. The food industry was na- tionalized as part of the land reform. Industrial enterprises which were able to employ more than 50 employees on one shift (it was quite indefinite) were nationalized by the act on nationalization of 3 January 1946. Next, factories were taken over by political decisions of the communist Polish United Workers’ Party. On the other hand, the re- construction of industry after the Nazi and Soviet devastation, rescuing of work places, concern for inhabitants’ lives, supplies of food and goods, needed extraordinary mea- sures. It is demonstrated by the example of the tanning industry in Lublin – where the Polish Committee of National Liberation had its headquarters. However, the national- ization in post-war Poland served the communists political interests and was one of the means used by the communist political class to introduce the totalitarian system.

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