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Problems of organ harvesting from a suicidal patient with craniocerebral trauma after successful resuscitation: a case report

Problems of organ harvesting from a suicidal patient with craniocerebral trauma after successful resuscitation: a case report
Kaszuba, Małgorzata
Wiktorzak, Paweł
ethical dilemma
gun shot
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Pomocy Doraźnej
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 4.0
Critical Care Innovations; 2023, 6, 3; 52-61
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Transplantology is constantly evolving. New challenges are emerging, including those related to transplants after suicide. Concerned for the welfare of donor families who have experienced the trauma of a loved one’s suicide, it is important that the donation decision process be as minimally burdensome as possible. Therefore, it is important to raise public awareness of organ donation in the context of suicide. Educating the public can help break down the barriers and false beliefs about the process. Although suicide is a profoundly tragic event, the opportunity to donate an organ to save another person’s life is extremely valuable. The purpose of this paper is to show the legal and ethical treatment of organ transplantation from suicidal patients. The article presents a case report of a person who committed suicide, but for whom resuscitation was undertaken in the prehospital setting, despite severe craniocerebral trauma, and a return of spontaneous circulation was achieved. Subsequent in-hospital efforts made it possible to successfully maintain vital functions and declare brain death. The commitment of the medical personnel and the professional discussions with the patient's family made it possible to obtain consent for the donation of seven organs.

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