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Tytuł pozycji:

Organizacja Wojskowa Związek Jaszczurczy na Pomorzu. Nieznany dokument Gestapo – protokół przesłuchania Andrzeja Eljaszewicza – pracownika ekspozytury „Zachód” Oddziału II OW ZJ

Organizacja Wojskowa Związek Jaszczurczy na Pomorzu. Nieznany dokument Gestapo – protokół przesłuchania Andrzeja Eljaszewicza – pracownika ekspozytury „Zachód” Oddziału II OW ZJ
Military Organisation Lizard Union in Pomerania – an unknown document of the gestapo – the investigation protocol of Andrzej Eljaszewicz – a worker of the „West” Branch of Department II of the Military Organisation Lizard Union
Chrzanowski, Bogdan
The Polish Underground
the Military Organisation Lizard Union
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 4.0
Zapiski Historyczne; 2015, 80, 2; 115-140
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The Military Organisation Lizard Union (OW ZJ) was one of the numerous Organisations constituting the Polish Underground. It was set up in October 1939 by activists of the pre-war National Radical Camp. In September 1942 the Lizard Union became part of the National Military Forces. In the years 1940–1941 the „West” [„Zachód” – „Z”] Branch of Department II of the Main Headquarters of the Lizard Union was established. The intelligence network of the Lizard Union covered the territory of the Reich, Gdansk Pomerania and Eastern Pomerania up to Königsberg; it also reached Greater Poland and Silesia. Fighting the Lizard Union, considered one of the most active underground organisations, was one of the priorities of the Gestapo. The first arrests among intelligence workers of the „West” Branch of the Lizard Union commenced in December 1941 and lasted throughout the whole of 1942 until May 1943. The „West” Branch in Gdynia was headed by Andrzej Eljaszewicz. The document presented here is an investigation protocol of A. Eljaszewicz by Radom’s Gestapo on 22 February 1944. Eljaszewicz was arrested on 3 January 1944 in Białobrzegi on his way to Radom. The protocol consists of 21 pages. The analysis of its content allows us to reconstruct the organisation of the structures of the Lizard Union, its connections with the Home Army [Armia Krajowa] and the extensive intelligence activity in Pomerania. It also allows us an insight into members of the Lizard Union. The protocol includes the pseudonym and real surname of the Chief Commander of the Union of the Military Struggle – Home Army – Gen. Stefan Rowecki alias „Grot”. A thorough analysis of the protocol will extend further research on the issue of the Military Organisation Lizard Union, its structure, activity and organisational connections. It shall constitute a valuable document for a future researcher.

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