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Tytuł pozycji:

"Błogosławieni..." − etyczne wymogi ośmiu błogosławieństw (Mt 5, 3-12)

"Błogosławieni..." − etyczne wymogi ośmiu błogosławieństw (Mt 5, 3-12)
Paciorek, Antoni
Kazanie na Górze
ubodzy w duchu
ludzie czystego serca
wprowadzający pokój
cierpiący prześladowanie
pragnący sprawiedliwości
The Sermon on the Mount
the poor in spirit
the merciful
the gentle
the pure in heart
the persecuted
the thirsty for righteousness
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
CC BY-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
The Biblical Annals; 2004, 51, 1; 57-77
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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First the author discusses the problems connected with the literary layer of the blessings (I), then the meaning of particular verses (II), and finally some theological ideas of the pericope, as well as concluding remarks (III). Explaining the first blessing the author thinks that tw pn uμati should be understood as dat. instrumentalis (“with spirit”) and at the same time relationis (“in spirit”). The second blessing refers to those who are sad because Christ and God seem to be “the great absentees” from the modern world. Gentle ones are those who are not indignant about adversities that life brings and can keep patient. To hunger and thirst for righteousness means to desire a life that is accordant with the Father’s will. Coming to somebody’s aid and forgiving is a characteristic of merciful people; and showing mercy to other people is a manifestation of mercy actually received from God. Blessing people who are pure in heart concerns people in whom there is no falsehood or spite, people who look for the good and try to be honest towards God and their neighbors. “Peacemakers” are those who act for establishing conditions in which everybody may develop according to God’s plan. People who suffer for the sake of righteousness are the ones who are persecuted because of their desire to lead their lives according to God’s will.

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